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Contact: ethylene@cornell.edu
8th International Symposium on the Plant Hormone Ethylene
 Program and invited speakers:
Entire program schedule
Donald Grierson, University of Nottingham, UK (Shang Fa Yang Memorial Lecture)
Christopher Watkins, Cornell University, USA (Overview of applied ethylene biology)
(1) Ethylene receptors - From the receptor to applications
- Caren Chang, University of Maryland USA
- Eric Schaller, Dartmouth College, USA
- Don Huber, University of Florida, USA
- Jim Mattheis, USDA-ARS, Washington, USA
(2) Ethylene signaling and hormone interactions
- Gloria Muday, Wake Forest University, USA
- Jose Alonso, North Carolina State University, USA
- Cornelius Barry, Michigan State University, USA
- Jim Giovannoni, USDA-ARS and Boyce Thompson Institute, USA
(3) Abscission, senescence, fruit ripening
- Kenichi Shibuya, National institute of Floricultural Science, Japan
- Coralie Lashbrook, Iowa State University, USA
- Pietro Tonutti, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
- Sara Patterson, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
(4) Stress biology
- Fred Below, University of Illinois, USA
- Bruce Bugbee, Utah State University, USA
- Ian Baldwin, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany
- Ronald Pierik, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Download abstract booklet
Program at a glance:
- Sunday June 21: Registration 2-5pm, plenary lectures 5-6:30pm, then buffet reception.
- Monday June 22: Lectures (8:30am-5pm with lunch break 12:00-2pm; posters to 6:45pm), free evening
- Tuesday June 23: Lectures (8:30am-5pm with lunch break 12:00-2pm; posters to 6:15pm) evening banquet (wine included).
- Wednesday June 24: Half day lectures (8 to 11:30am), then optional winery lunch (with wine included) and tour, and gorge walk. Evening session.
- Thursday June 25: Lectures (9-4) then closure by 5pm and an immediate early-evening departing party (appetizers and drinks event in tent on quadrangle, followed by dinner "on-your-own")
Coffee etc. morning and afternoon when lectures in session.