Buckwheat Cover Crop Handbook
Nurse crop for summer-sown forage
Buckwheat can be used as a nurse (companion) crop with summer seedings of alfalfa or alfalfa-grass mixtures much the way oats are used with spring seedings. Summer seedings are typically made in late July through mid-August following winter wheat harvest. Rapid buckwheat establishment will suppress summer annual weeds. Subsequent mowing of the buckwheat provides mulch against establishment of winter annual and biennial weeds.
- Seed buckwheat and perennial forage(s) with one of two options.
- Grain drill with small seed box. Prepare a firm seedbed by cultipacking and drill buckwheat at 50 lb/ac, 1 inch deep or less, along with alfalfa or alfalfa/grass mixture in the small seed box. Cultipacking after planting should improve germination and establishment of perennial forages.
- Broadcast buckwheat. Prepare a good seedbed and broadcast 70 lb/ac of buckwheat to obtain a uniform stand. Cultipack to incorporate buckwheat seed and to prepare a fine, firm seedbed for germination and establishment of perennial forages. Seed alfalfa or alfalfa-grass mixture and cultipack a second time.
- Flail mow buckwheat 40 to 45 days after seeding to stop competition with perennial forage seedlings. Buckwheat straw mulch will suppress winter annual and biennial weeds.