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Information for Buckwheat Growers

Buckwheat Cover Crop Handbook



Buckwheat has been used to suppress weeds on Northeastern farms for 400 years. The practice had been used here for a century and a half by the time George Washington and Thomas Jefferson corresponded with each other about how well it worked on their farms. It still works.

On modern farms we have different tools, a different market, and different economic constraints; so buckwheat will be useful in different situations. In this brochure we describe situations where buckwheat has high value on 21st century farms because it controls weeds economically and in a way that adds significantly to the other weed control practices that are available.

This handbook is based on extensive grower surveys, gathering knowledge held by successful growers, material printed in obscure old extension and farm publications, as well as original research to answer new questions. The instructions have been tested by cooperating farmers to make sure they work.


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