Larva Click for more information about adult viburnum leaf beetles
Click for more information about viburnum leaf beetle larvae Click for more information about viburnum leaf beetle eggs.

Viburnum Leaf Beetle
Leaf feeding samples

The pictures of leaves below will help you estimate leaf-feeding damage.
Viburnum leaf
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Logo images by Kent Loeffler, Paul Weston & Craig Cramer

Estimating leaf feeding damage can be a challenge. But don't decide not to do the leaf feeding observations just because you fear you won't be able to estimate the damage accurately. Just do the best that you can and try to be consistent. Slight errors are not a big problem.

The seemingly unusual scale below is designed to make it easier for you to make consistent estimates. Most people can readily distinguish between very slight damage and 10 percent damage; 10 percent and a quarter; half, or slightly more or slightly less than half; etc.

Percent damage estimates:
  • 0 percent eaten - Leaf appears undamaged or very slightly damaged.
  • 10 percent eaten - Slight damage, but not approaching a quarter of the leaf area.
  • 25 percent eaten - About a quarter of the leaf is eaten.
  • 40 percent eaten - Slightly less than half eaten.
  • 50 percent eaten - About half eaten.
  • 60 percent eaten - Slightly more than half eaten.
  • 75 percent eaten - About three quarters of the leaf is eaten.
  • 90 percent eaten - Nearly all of the leaf is eaten.
  • 100 percent eaten - Leaf is largely gone, except for maybe a few major veins.

We measured the actual leaf feeding damage on the sketched below (actual damage percentages). Then we rounded them off to the nearest estimated damage percentages from the list above.

0 percent actual, 0 percent estimate 3 percent actual, 0 percent estimate
0 percent actual damage
0 percent estimated damage

3 percent actual damage
0 percent estimated damage

7 percent actual, 10 percent estimate 9 percent actual, 10 percent estimate
7 percent actual damage
10 percent estimated damage

9 percent actual damage
10 percent estimated damage

12 percent actual, 10 percent estimate 22 percent actual, 25 percent estimate
12 percent actual damage
10 percent estimated damage

22 percent actual damage
25 percent estimated damage

40 percent actual, 40 percent estimate 48 percent actual, 50 percent estimate
40 percent actual damage
40 percent estimated damage

48 percent actual damage
50 percent estimated damage

59 percent actual, 60 percent estimate 68 percent actual, 75 percent estimate
59 percent actual damage
60 percent estimated damage

68 percent actual damage
75 percent estimated damage

74 percent actual, 75 percent estimate 93 percent actual, 90 percent estimate
74 percent actual damage
75 percent estimated damage

93 percent actual damage
90 percent estimated damage

© Copyright, Department of Horticulture, Cornell University.

Project coordinator: Lori Brewer,
Website design: Craig Cramer

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