Project Director
Thomas Björkman
Phone: 315-787-2218
Department of Horticulture
Cornell University
If you want to get involved in the
Eastern Broccoli Project
We started the project with industry participants in each area of activity, and they have made substantial committments to the project from the outset. Additional participants are needed to meet our objectives, so we are looking for new partners who can make the needed commitments and will have a mutually beneficial relationship.
We want to develop networks of new growers to supply the market, but most production will begin after the varieties are available. Suitable existing varieties may be recommended for the 2012 or 2013 growing season. Improved varieties should be available after 2014.
Contacts: Maine—Mark Hutton; New York—Christy Hoepting; Virginia—Wythe Morris; Western North Carolina—Jeanine Davis; South Carolina—Powell Smith
Produce Distributor
Our goal is to have a strong and competitive distribution system from present and future production areas. We are working with several distributors now (Cabbage Inc, L&M Companies, Ocean Mist). Others who have expertise in efficient distribution of broccoli for particular eastern markets are welcome to get in touch.
Contact: Miguel Gómez, Cornell University
The project is primarily targeting regional supermarket chains that have only minor geographic overlap and that have strong locally grown programs.
Contact: Miguel Gómez, Cornell University
Seed company
The breeding goal of the overall project is to provide growers with varieties that perform well in eastern growing conditions, with the principal challenge being the warm and humid summer. Existing industry partners are engaged in an integrated broccoli breeding program with the public breeders. Nevertheless, we are interested in partnering in other ways to help other companies release varieties that help eastern growers.
Contact: Mark Farnham, USDA-ARS