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Weeden, N.F., M. Hemmat, D.M. Lawson, M. Lodhi, R.L. Bell, A.G. Manganaris, B.I. Reisch, S.K. Brown, and G.-N. Ye. 1994. Development and application of molecular marker linkage maps in woody fruit crops. Proc. Eucarpia Meeting, Switzerland. Euphytica 77:71-75.
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Kikkert, J.R., D. Hébert-Soulé, P.G. Wallace, M.J. Striem, and B.I. Reisch. 1996. Transgenic plantlets of 'Chancellor' grapevine (Vitis sp.) from biolistic transformation of embryogenic cell suspensions. Plant Cell Reports 15:311-316
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Dalbó, M.A., G.N. Ye, N.F. Weeden, H. Steinkellner, K.M. Sefc, and B.I. Reisch. 2000. Gene controlling sex in grapevines placed on a molecular marker-based genetic map. Genome 43:333-340.
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Pietropaolo, P.A. and B.I. Reisch. 1984. Micropropagation of 'Stanley' plum. ASHS-NE region annual meeting. (abstr.).
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Lakso, A.N., B.I. Reisch, J. Mortensen and M.H. Roberts. 1985. Stimulation of growth of in vitro propagated grapevines after transfer from sterile medium by CO2 enrichment. HortScience 20:521. (abstr.)
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Kim, S.K., B.I. Reisch and H.A. Aldwinckle. 1985. In vitro grape shoot tip mutagenesis. 4th International Symposium on Grape-Vine Breeding. (abstr.)
Reisch, B.I., S.K. Kim, H.A. Aldwinckle and M.H. Roberts. 1985. I. Embryogenesis from petiole cultures of 'Horizon' grapes. II. In vitro grape shoot tip mutagenesis. Moet-Hennessy Conference - Amélioration de la vigne et culture in vitro. (abstr.)
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Cheng, Z.M. and B.I. Reisch. 1988. High frequency shoot regeneration from Vitis labruscana. HortScience 23:803. (abstr.)
Strefeler, M.S., M.-C. Mauro, N.F. Weeden and B.I. Reisch. 1988. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms in grape. HortScience 23:783. (abstr.)
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Pool, R.M., B.I. Reisch and M.J. Welser. 1989. Use of differential thermal analysis to quantify bud cold hardiness of grape selections and clones. V International Symposium on Grape Breeding, St. Martin, Federal Republic of Germany. (abstr.)
Reisch, B.I. Mary-Howell R. Martens and Z.M. Cheng. 1989. Shoot regeneration from grape leaf, petiole and tendril tissues. Meeting of Am. Soc. Enol. Vitic. - Eastern Section, July 1989. (abstr.)
Cheng, Z.M., T.J. Burr and B.I. Reisch. 1990. Biological control of biovar 3 strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens by agrocin-producing strain HLB-2 (A. radiobacter). Meeting of Am. Soc. Enol. Vitic. - Eastern Section, July 1990. (abstr.)
Lodhi, M. A., B.I. Reisch, and N.F. Weeden. 1992. Molecular genetic mapping of the Vitis genome. Meeting of Am. Soc. Enol. Vitic. - Eastern Section, July 1992. AJEV 43:393 (abstr.)
Lodhi, M. A., B.I. Reisch, and N.F. Weeden. 1992. Molecular genetic mapping and genome size of Vitis. Plant Genome I. 9-11 November 1992 San Diego, CA, USA (abstr.).
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Ye, Guang-Ning, N.F. Weeden and B.I. Reisch. 1993. Genetic mapping and fingerprinting of grapevines using molecular markers. Meeting of Am. Soc. Enol. Vitic. - Eastern Section, July 1993. (abstr.) AJEV 44:468.
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Weeden, N.F., M. Hemmat, D.M. Lawson, M. Lodhi, R.L. Bell, A.G. Manganaris, B.I. Reisch, S.K. Brown, and G.-N. Ye. 1993. Development and application of molecular marker linkage maps in woody fruit crops. Eucarpia Meeting, Switzerland (abstr.)
Lodhi, M.A., B.I. Reisch, and N.F. Weeden. 1994. Genetic linkage maps of Vitis and QTL detection by interval mapping. Plant Genome II. 24-27 January, 1994, San Diego, CA, USA (abstr.)
Ye, G.-N., N.F. Weeden, R.M. Pool, and B.I. Reisch. 1994. Analysis of the relationship between ancient grapevine cultivars via DNA fingerprinting. Plant Genome II. 24-27 January, 1994, San Diego, CA, USA (abstr.)
Reisch, B.I., M.A. Lodhi, G.-N. Ye and N.F. Weeden. 1994. Genetic linkage maps of Vitis and detection of QTLs for disease resistance and other traits. VIth International Symposium on Grape Breeding. 4-9 September, 1994. Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine. (abstr.)
Lodhi, M.A., S. Moreno, N.F. Weeden and B.I. Reisch. 1995. Detection of quantitative trait loci controlling important traits and characterization of RAPD markers in Vitis. Plant Genome III. 15-19 January, 1995, San Diego, CA, USA (abstr.).
Reisch, B.I. and T. Henick-Kling. 1995. Uncork New York grapes: Varieties of the future. Meeting of Am. Soc. Enol. Vitic. - Eastern Section, July 1995. (abstr.)
Reisch, B.I., M.J. Striem, and M.-H. Martens. 1995. Genetic engineering of elite grape cultivars: A progress report. Meeting of Am. Soc. Enol. Vitic. - Eastern Section, July 1995. (abstr.)
Luce, R.S. and B.I. Reisch. 1996. Breeding grapevines to maximize disease resistance in New York. Fourth International Symposium on Cool Climate Viticulture and Enology. 17-20 July 1996. Rochester, New York. (abstr.)
Kikkert, J.R., M. J. Striem, M.-H. Martens, P. G. Wallace, L. Molino, and B. I. Reisch. 1996. Genetic engineering of commercial varieties of Vitis sp. for resistance to fungal diseases. Fourth International Symposium on Cool Climate Viticulture and Enology. 17-20 July 1996. Rochester, New York. (abstr.)
Ali, G.S. and B.I. Reisch. 1996. Genetic transformation of grapevine cv. Chancellor as a model system for enhancement of disease resistance. Fourth International Symposium on Cool Climate Viticulture and Enology. 17-20 July 1996. Rochester, New York. (abstr.)
Meredith, C.P. and B.I. Reisch. 1996. The new tools of grapevine genetics. Fourth International Symposium on Cool Climate Viticulture and Enology. 17-20 July 1996. Rochester, New York. (abstr.)
Kikkert, J.R., G.S. Ali, M.J. Striem, M.-H. Martens, P.G. Wallace, L. Molino, and B.I. Reisch. 1996. Genetic Engineering of Grapevine (Vitis sp.) for Enhancement of Disease Resistance. Third International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding. ISHS. 16-21 June 1996. Jerusalem, Israel. (abstr.)
Dalbó, M.A., G.N. Ye, N.F. Weeden and B.I. Reisch. 1997. QTL mapping of powdery mildew resistance in grapes. Plant and Animal Genome V. 12-16 January 1997, San Diego, CA, USA (abstr.)
Kikkert, J.R., M.J. Striem, M.H. Martens, P.G. Wallace, and B.I. Reisch. 1997. Somatic embryogenesis from anthers and ovaries of six grapevine (Vitis sp.) cultivars. 1997 Congress on In Vitro Biology. 14-18 June 1997, Washington, D.C. (abstr.)
Striem, M.J., B.I. Reisch, and J.R. Kikkert. 1997. Differences in GUS expression among grapevine transformants. 5th Intern. Symp. Grapevine Physiology. 25-30 May 1997. Jerusalem, Israel. (abstr.)
Reisch, B.I. 1998. Molecular markers: The foundation for grapevine genetic mapping, DNA fingerprinting and genomics. Proc. 7th Intern. Symp. Grapevine Genetics and Breeding. 6-10 July 1998. Montpellier, France. (abstr.)
Kikkert, J.R., G.M. Reustle, G.S. Ali, P.G. Wallace, and B.I. Reisch. 1998. Expression of a fungal chitinase in Vitis vinifera L. 'Merlot' and 'Chardonnay' plants produced by biolistic transformation. Proc. 7th Intern. Symp. Grapevine Genetics and Breeding. 6-10 July 1998. Montpellier, France. (abstr.)
Dalbó, M., N.F. Weeden, and B.I. Reisch. 1998. QTL analysis of disease resistance in interspecific hybrid grapes. Proc. 7th Intern. Symp. Grapevine Genetics and Breeding. 6-10 July 1998. Montpellier, France. (abstr.)
Reustle, G., J.R. Kikkert, and B.I. Reisch. 1999. Regeneration and characterization of genetically engineered grapevine (V. vinifera L. 'Merlot'). International Symposium on Plant Genetic Engineering. 5-10 Dec. 1999. Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, La Habana, Cuba. (abstr.)
Kikkert, J.R. and B.I. Reisch. 1999. Optimization of media for somatic embryogenesis of Concord grapevine (Vitis x Labruscana L.H. Bailey). Soc. In Vitro Biology 1999 (abstr.)
Kikkert, J.R., J.R. Vidal, G.M. Reustle, G.S. Ali, L.X. Yu, P.G. Wallace and B.I. Reisch. 2000. Genetic transformation of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) with disease resistance genes. International Symposium Plant Molecular Biology, June, 2000. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, Supplement 18:2, abstract no. S03-61 (abstr.)
Vidal, J.R., J.R. Kikkert, P.G. Wallace, and B.I. Reisch. 2002. Magainin and npt-II gene co-integration in grapevine genomic DNA after particle co-bombardment. International Symposium Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. June, 2002. Orlando, Florida. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology ? Animal 38 : 91.A. (abstr.)
Reisch, B.I. J. Kikkert, J. Vidal, G.S. Ali, David Gadoury, and P.G. Wallace. 2002. Genetic transformation of Vitis vinifera to improve disease resistance. 8th Intern. Symp. Grapevine Genetics and Breeding. 26-30 August 2002. Kecskemet, Hungary. (abstr.)
Vidal, J., J. Kikkert, P. Wallace, D. Gadoury, R. Seem, B. Reisch. 2003. Expression of magainin genes in transgenic 'Chardonnay' and disease resistance analyses. International Conference on Plant Molecular Biology. Barcelona, Spain. June, 2003. (abstr.)
Reisch, B.I., J. Kikkert, J. Vidal, G.S. Ali, D. Gadoury, R.C. Seem, and P. Wallace. 2003. Genetic transformation of Vitis vinifera to improve disease resistance. 1st International Symposium on Grapevine Growing, Commerce and Research - The future of grapevine production: Innovation or conservation of values? 30 June - 2 July 2003. Lisbon, Portugal. (abstr.)
Vidal, J.R., J.R. Kikkert, M. Malnoy, B. Donzelli, P.G. Wallace, and B.I. Reisch. 2004. Biolistic transformation of grapevine using minimal gene cassette technology. Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, January 2004. San Diego, California. (abstr.)
Vidal, J.R., J.R. Kikkert, and B.I. Reisch. 2004. Comparative transgene expression in 'Chardonnay' between minimal cassette and circular plasmid transformation. Mid-Atlantic Plant Molecular Biology Society meeting, August 19-20, 2004. Patuxent Research Refuge, Maryland. (abstr.)
Kikkert, J.R., J.R.Vidal, P.G. Wallace, S. Garcia-Zitter, W.F. Wilcox, D.M. Gadoury, R.C. Seem, T.J. Burr and B.I. Reisch. 2004. Disease resistance studies with transgenic grapevines that contain endochitinase or antimicrobial peptide genes. Seventh International Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology Symposium. June 21-25, 2004, Davis, California USA. (abstr.)
Kikkert, J.R., J.R. Vidal, and B.I. Reisch. 2004. Application of the biolistic method for grapevine genetic transformation. Seventh International Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology. 21-25 June 2004. Davis, CA, USA. (abstr.)
Thipyapong, P., S. Mahanil, B.I. Reisch, C.L. Owens, and P. Laosuwan. 2005. Cloning of resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in grapevine Vitis cinerea. International Grape Genomics Symposium. 12-14 July, 2005. St. Louis, Missouri. (abstr.)
Vidal J.R., J.R. Kikkert, and B.I. Reisch. 2005. Comparative transgene expression in Chardonnay between minimal cassette and circular plasmid transformation. International Grapevine Genomic Symposium. July 12-14, Saint Louis, Missouri (abstr.)
Vidal, J.R., J.R. Kikkert, and B.I. Reisch. 2005. Transformacion de 'Chardonnay' con genes de la familia maginina. Regeneracion de plantas transgenics con resistencia al crown gall (Agrobacterium vitis) y al oidium (Uncinula necator). Sociedad Espanola de Cultivo In Vitro de Tejidos Vegetales, VI Reunion. 11-13 Septiembre 2005, Cordova, Spain. (abstr.)
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Kikkert, J.R., M. J. Striem, M.-H. Martens, P. G. Wallace, L. Molino, and B. I. Reisch. 1997. Genetic engineering of commercial varieties of Vitis sp. for resistance to fungal diseases. Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Cool Climate Viticulture and Enology. 16-20 July 1996. Rochester, New York. (T. Henick-Kling, T.E. Wolf, and E.M. Harkness, eds.) Communication Services, N.Y.S. Agric. Expt. Station, Geneva, NY, USA. pp. VIII-45-47.
Ali, G.S. and B.I. Reisch. 1997. Genetic transformation of grapevine cv. Chancellor as a model system for enhancement of disease resistance. Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Cool Climate Viticulture and Enology. 16-20 July 1996. Rochester, New York. (T. Henick-Kling, T.E. Wolf, and E.M. Harkness, eds.) Communication Services, N.Y.S. Agric. Expt. Station, Geneva, NY, USA. pp. VIII-53-54.
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Reisch, B.I. 1994. Wine grape cultivars for the East: What's good, what's new? Proc. 1994 Pennsylvania Vegetable Conference. Part II: Small Fruit. pp. 19-22.
Reisch, B.I. 1994. Strategies for the future development of improved grapevine cultivars. A look at the New York Grape Breeding Program. American Vineyard 3(2):8-18.
Reisch, B.I. 1994. Table grape cultivars for the East. Proc. 135th Annual Meeting of the State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Fruit News 74(4):100-101.
Reisch, B.I. 1994. Wine grape cultivars for the East: What's good, what's new? Proc. 135th Annual Meeting of the State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Fruit News 74(4):104-106.
Reisch, B.I. 1994. Strategies for the future development of improved grapevine cultivars. Pomona 27(3):5-13.
Reisch, B.I. 1995. Cultivars and selections from the Cornell grape breeding program. Proc. 24th Annual New York Wine Industry Workshop, 22-23 March 1995. Henick-Kling, T. (ed.) Communication Services, NYS Agric. Expt. Station, Geneva, NY. pp. 49-55.
Reisch, B.I. 1995. Developing disease resistant grapevines. Wine East 23(4) Nov-Dec. 1995. L&H Photojournalism. pp. 8-15.
Reisch, B.I. 1995. Pest resistant wine grape cultivars for the Northeast. Proceedings of Grape Expectations, a Viticultural and Enological Symposium Volume 10. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. J.A. Fiola, ed. pp. 4-10.
Striem, M.J. and B.I. Reisch. 1996. New grape varieties resistant to fungal diseases. Alon Hanotea 50(11):540-542. (in Hebrew)
Reisch, B.I. 1996. New cultivars from Cornell's grape breeding program. Proceedings of the Ohio Grape-Wine Short Course, 18-20 February, 1996. Riesen, R. (ed.) Dept. of Horticulture and Crop Science - The Ohio State University. pp. 7-10.
Reisch, B.I. 1996. Genetic engineering to improve grapevine disease resistance. Proceedings of the Ohio Grape-Wine Short Course, 18-20 February, 1996. Riesen, R. (ed.) Dept. of Horticulture and Crop Science - The Ohio State University. pp. 62-64.
Reisch, B.I. and R.S. Luce. 2005. Less risky cold climate grape varieties. Wine East 33(4):20-24.
Segment on grapevine genetic engineering, Eugenia Halsey reporting, May, 1996, Food and Health, CNN network. Also CNN Headline News.
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