The following websites are helpful when trying to find out information
about pesticides. These sites maintain lists of product labels or
MSDS sheets. Consult the product label and your state's registration
status prior to applying any pesticide.
Crop Management
Data Services - Crop Data Management Services, CDMS, maintains
this site that includes the labels
and MSDS sheets for over 85 agricultural chemical manufacturers.
C &
P Press, T&OR - Chemical and Pharmaceutical Press, Inc.
(C & P Press) compiles pesticide product information (labels,
supplemental labels, and MSDSs) provided directly by the pesticide
companies. This is for their Turf & Ornamentals services.
New York State
Department of Conservation - New York State DEC's alphabetical
list of pesticide products currently registered for use in New York
State. The list is in a .pdf form that is updated regularly.
Department of Horticulture, 134A Plant Sciences Bldg, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA, email: | 607-255-4568/1789 | Fax, 607-255-9998/0599