Cineraria on Long Island were found to have a new rust
disease in 2002. The rust is Puccinia lagenophorae, which originated
in Australia and has spread to Great Britain and Europe. Symptoms on
cineraria are yellow patches covered with the aecia (shallow cups filled
with spores) of the fungus; the leaf is often distorted because the
infected areas are swollen. The rust fungus also infects groundsel,
Senecio vulgaris, which has also been found rust-infected on
Long Island and in other east coast locations as well as in California.
Cineraria growers should be especially careful to eliminate groundsel
from the vicinity of their greenhouses to reduce the chance that this
rust will be transmitted from the weed to the greenhouse flower crop.
Department of Horticulture, 134A Plant Sciences Bldg, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA, email: | 607-255-4568/1789 | Fax, 607-255-9998/0599