Chrysanthemum white rust, caused by Puccinia horiana,
is a true rust that is regulated by a federal quarantine. The disease
has been seen only rarely in the Northeast, and must be eradicated whenever
it is detected. Two cases of this disease occurred in fall 2002 on Long
Island, one in the garden of a hobbyist and one on garden mums at a
commercial nursery site. The two locations were distant from one another
and were not connected in any way. NY State Horticultural inspectors
worked with APHIS to eradicate both outbreaks. Mum growers should watch
carefully for symptoms of this rust, because it is far easier to eradicate
when it is still a localized infection.
Department of Horticulture, 134A Plant Sciences Bldg, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA, email: | 607-255-4568/1789 | Fax, 607-255-9998/0599