Cornell University
College of Agriculture &
Life Sciences

Department of Horticulture

Course homepage

News releases

click to listen to interviewListen to an interview with grafting instructor Ken Mudge broadcast Jan. 3 on WFPL radio's HomeGrown show. (Fast forward to 21:20)

Course contact:

Ken Mudge
Associate Professor
of Horticulture

Educational Program
Award Winner
American Distance Education Consortium
American Distance
Education Consortium
The How, When, and Why of Grafting for Gardeners
for Gardeners
Registration & course details

Ken MudgeRegistration is now closed for the 2005 course. The next course starts March 13, 2006. If you would like more information, email Ken Mudge:

Meanwhile, feel free to visit the course homepage, view sample lesson, or explore the world of plant propagation at Ken Mudge's Cornell CyberTower 'study room'. (Site features video lectures on layering, cuttings, grafting, micropropagation and more. Free, but registration required.)


You can register online for the How, When, and Why of Grafting for Gardeners online course by clicking the "Register Now" button. You will be taken to a Verisign secure site for payment processing.  

© Copyright, Department of Horticulture, Cornell University.