Craig with plume poppy

Websites I work on:

Department of Horticulture
Gardening resources
Home gardening
Vegetable Varieties
    for Gardeners
Cornell Turfgrass
Viburnum Leaf Beetle
    Citizen Science
Woody plants database
Garden-Based Learning
Art of Horticulture
Cornell High Tunnels
Greenhouse Horticulture
Bluegrass Lane AnnualsMacDaniels Nut Grove
Cornell Soil Health
Beach Plum
Cornell Fruit Resources
Cornell Vegetables
Urban Horticulture Institute
Community Forestry
Living sculpture
Featured Dept. of Horticulture websites

Dept. of Horticulture blogs:

Cornell Horticulture
Cornell turfgrass
Cornell High Tunnels
Garden-based learning
Community Horticulture
Sustainable lawn care
Craig Cramer

Communications Specialist
Department of Horticulture
167 Plant Science
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853

While my focus is primarily on websites, I do all kinds of communications work to help fulfill the mission of the Department of Horticulture.

Cornell Guide to Growing Fruit at Home.

Lawn Care Without Pesticides
This includes brochures, posters and hard copy publications. I edited the Cornell Guide to Growing Fruit at Home which won the 2003 Outstanding New Extension Publication Recognition Award, and Lawn Care Without Pesticides.

Outside of work, I'm the newsletter editor/webmaster for the Adirondack Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society, and served on the steering committee for the Sustainable Agriculture Network, the communications arm of the USDA-SARE program. I'm also an avid gardener and garden blogger. (Visit the Ellis Hollow garden blog.)

Occasionally, I provide editorial help to my wife Elly's website clients.