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The greater size and density of some weeds at higher nutrient rates did not affect corn and soybean yields in this experiment. Does that mean that these results do not have practical importance?

If the farmer had been less skilled at cultivation, or the seed bank had been higher, or the crops were less competitive species, the extra growth of the weeds (in 2004) or the higher density of weeds (in 2005) at high fertility might have caused substantial yield losses. The take-home message from both years is the same: weed management can potentially become more difficult if compost is applied in excess of crop needs. Weed species responded differently to the two years and two types of compost. The differences between the years may have been due to the change in crop, or to differences in weather since 2004 was wet whereas 2005 was dry. We expect patterns to become more consistent as nutrients accumulate in the higher application rate plots, and as effects of earlier years change the seed banks in the different treatments.

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