Forestry Program
Work Team,
Cornell Univ.
Community Forestry Home Page
Community Forestry Planning
Developing a Master Plan
Acknowledgments (work team members)
a Street Tree Inventory
Street Tree Project History
Hiring the SWAT Team
Using the Inventory
- Inventory Methodology
- Using Excel 2003
- Using Excel 2007
Updating the Inventory
Site contact:
Dr. Nina L. Bassuk
Horticulture Section
134A Plant Science Bldg
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: (607) 255-4586
Fax:(607) 255-9998
Community Forestry
Community forestry planning
The Community Forestry outreach program assists small communities in developing management plans for their street tree populations. Sponsored by Cornell University, the Community Forestry outreach program is made up of Cornell faculty, extension educators and professionals in the field of urban forestry.
The purpose of these pages is to lead decision makers and motivated individuals through a series of steps for developing a street tree management plan.
The information presented here is targeted to smaller communities in New York State. Through Cornell Cooperative Extension the Community Forestry Team can provide support for creating a Community Forest management plan and aid in conducting the street tree inventory in New York. Anyone is welcome to use this information to conduct inventories for villages outside of New York or as a model to replicate our process on a region wide basis. There is no cost to any of the downloadable resources or presentations. We just ask that you give credit to the authors and the Community Forestry Program Work Team at Cornell.
Next, Developing a Master
© Copyright, Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University.