Just as the Arbor day trees we plant each year become a legacy of our commitment to preserving and beautifying our campus, our community, and our world, so do memorial trees and shrubs planted on campus become living legacies to those of our colleagues who are no longer with us. Each time we pass one of these plantings we are reminded of a colleague's friendship, participation in campus life, dedication to agricultural research, and the contributions made at the Station, in New York State, in the U.S. or the world. We wish to commemorate those who are no longer present but whose legacy remains among us, represented in part by their memorial trees and shrubs. Since the Geneva Arboretum Association's inception in 1989, it has facilitated the planting of several memorial trees and shrubs. The list includes the following.
Edward "Bud" Carney, Research Technician, Horticultural Sciences. A Japanese red maple was planted in Bud's memory in the lower part of the rock garden on Arbor day, April 28,1989. This was the first memorial tree the Arboretum Association assisted in coordinating. It was purchased with funds donated by his friends and co-workers.
Gerald Marx, Professor of Plant Breeding, Horticultural Sciences. A weeping white pine was planted in Dr. Marx's memory in the middle rock garden overlooking the south lawn of Sturtevant on May 12, 1989. Enough funds were donated to also plant a Siberian pea tree on the western edge of the Barton lab parking lot, near the Horticultural Sciences greenhouses.
George MacDonald, Research Support Specialist, Horticultural Sciences. A European fern-leaf beech was planted in George's memory on the Hedrick south lawn on October 11, 1991. Enough donations were received to also plant a Sunset red maple at the Campus Warehouse.
Audrey Gardner, Research Support Specialist, Analytical Lab, Food Science and Technology. A Saucer magnolia was planted in Audrey's memory by friends and co-workers on the west entrance of the Food Science and Technology Building on October 29, 1993.
Roger Pearson, Professor of Grape Pathology, Plant Pathology. On Arbor Day, April 29, 1994, three white flowering dogwoods were dedicated as a memorial to Roger. The grouping was placed near the east entrance of Barton Lab. Contributions came from Roger's many friends and colleagues.
John Watson, Senior Research Support Specialist, Horticultural Sciences. A purple-leaf plum now occupies a spot on the Jordan Hall west lawn, near the water tower in John's memory. It was purchased and planted through funds collected by co-workers, friends and family on Arbor day, April 28, 1995. The remaining funds collected were used in part to purchase a Colorado blue spruce to replace one lost at a nearby site.
Remaining funds collected for these plantings are deposited in a Memorial Tree Fund administered by the Arboretum Association, through Director Hunter's office. Funds are kept in reserve for memorial planting maintenance and replacement, if necessary.
The Arboretum Association is most appreciative of your continued interest in and support of our memorial tree plantings. As your legacy to the future, these donated specimens do not just keep memories alive, but they will also increasingly enhance the beauty of our campus into the next century.
by Cathy Heidenreich
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