Annual Flower Trials at Bluegrass Lane, Ithaca, New York
We recognize awards for the following categories:
- Best Overall - Recognizes the top performing plants of the season.
- Best in Category - Recognizes the best performing plants within individual categories.
"Best Overall"
This class recognizes the top ten performing plants of the season.
#1 Zinnia Profusion Yellow by Sakata Seed
#2 Pennisetum Graceful Grasses Vertigo by Proven Winners
#3 Mecardonia Magic Carpet Yellow by Sakata Vegetative
#4 Zinnia Zahara Fire by PanAmerican Seed
#5 Bidens Sundrop by Ball FloraPlant
#6 Begonia Surefire Red by Proven Winners
#7 Begonia Surefire Rose by Proven Winners
#8 Zinnia Uptown Grape by Burpee Home Gardens
#9 Gypsophila Gypsy White by Sakata Seed
#10 Caladium Heart's Delight by Classic Caladiums
"Best in Category" 
This class recognizes the best performing plants within individual categories. The categories include:
Best Angelonia Angelonia Angel Mist Spreading Dark Purple by Ball FloraPlant
Best Antirrhinum Antirrhinum Candy Showers Deep Purple by Sakata Seed
Best Begonia Begonia Surefire Red by Proven Winners
Best Caladium Caladium Heart's Delight by Classic Caladiums
Best Calibrachoa Calibrachoa Superbells Pomegranite Punch by Proven Winners
Best Celosia Celosia First Flame Red by PanAmerican Seed
Best Impatiens (New Guinea) Impatiens Sunpatiens Spreading Corona by Sakata Vegetative 
Lantana Lantana Little Lucky Pot of Gold by Ball FloraPlant
Best Lobularia Lobularia Blushing Princess by Proven Winners
Best Pelargonium Pelargonium Boldly Burgundy by Proven Winners
Best Petchoa Petchoa Supercal Neon Rose/YellowThroat by Sakata Vegetative
Best Petunia Petunia Supertunia Vista Silverberry by PanAmerican Seed
Best Verbena Verbena Enduro White Blush by Proven Winners
Best Vinca Vinca Titan Rose Halo by PanAmerican Seed
Best Zinnia Zinnia Profusion Yellow by Sakata Seed