
June 15: flowers closed, poor in rain, discolored petals, flowers have holes, velvet black, wow, needs more contrast, not opened fully.

June 30: a little yellow streaking = stress, looks very classy with Bacopa Jumbo Light Pink, not opening well.

July 15: a few flowers with yellow, a little botrytis, flowers spotty, flowers don't open all the way, spreading like crazy, holes in flowers, needs deadheading, velvety, upright, foliage overwhelms, not nice habit.

July 30: flowers only half open, great black.

Aug 15: thinning, flowers don't open fully, stressed, looks purple, gorgeous color, a bit leggy, does look like velvet, some reverting to yellow.

Aug 30: center of plant is defoliated but ends are lush and flowering.