
30 June: vibrant, tall, lush, vigorous, erect blooms.

15 July: tall, lots of color, healthy, very floriforous, nice landscape plant, nice height, clean white.

30 July: hedge-like, best scaevola, full of flowers, full habit, impressive, great if you want white flowers, nice in landscape, like flower and foliage contrast.

15 Aug: spectacular, pure white hedge, very healthy, bright white, great mass of white, great color, nice for a white.

30 Aug: full of blooms, still a lot of color, less impact than Dark Blue, very nice, still flowering nicely, crisp, erect, great, coming into its own, good white for this late.

15 Sept: still attractive, good late season performance, healthy, many flowers, still good, spread very well, still looks fresh.