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Fall 2007 projects
Click on images for larger view.

See more class activities at Chad Miller's SmugMug photo gallery.

Bark up close
Bark up close

Botanical batik
Botanical batik

Botanical beadwork jewelry
Botanical beadwork jewelry

Cedar flute and stand
Cedar flute and stand

Clock tower and pressed plants
Clock tower and pressed plants

First flower book
'First flower book' for children

Floral Native American beadwork
Floral Native American beadwork

Hallway botanical-theme rainbow mural
Hallway botanical-theme rainbow mural

Natural indgo-died dress
Natural indigo-dyed dress

Leaf-vein lampshade
Leaf-vein lampshade

Linoleum block prints
Linoleum block prints

Natural materials orchid
Natural materials orchid sculpture

Botanical paper and book cover
Books of handmade paper with botanical bookcovers

Peony mosaic
Peony mosaic

Plant-material place setting
Plant-material place setting

Apartment 'rock' garden design
Apartment 'Zen-like' garden design, before and after

Seasonal Cornell photos
Seasonal Cornell photos

Seasonal scenes
Personal journal of seasonal reflections

Bark up close
Seasonal scenes of Cornell, in diverse media

Spun soy-silk scarf
Spun soy-silk scarf

Sweat lodge
Sweat lodge

Tiki bar
Tiki bar

Computer decoration
Computer decoration

The Art of Horticulture
Marcia Eames-Sheavly
Horticulture Section
15B Plant Science Building
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853