Read more, pictures.
- Selected final projects, Fall 2006
- Selected final projects, Spring 2006
- Class activities, Spring 2006
 2006 spring semester class with sod cow. Final project gallery.
- Selected final projects, Fall 2005
- Selected final projects, Spring 2005
- Class activities, Spring 2005
- Selected final projects, Fall 2004
- Selected final projects, Fall 2003
- A Rose That Grew From The Concrete - A song by Robert Ulises Gracia. Listen to mp3 or read lyrics.
- The Death of Summer - A poem by Tyler Baier.
- Selected final projects, Spring 2003
- Class activities, Spring 2003
- Divine horticulture - Class project featuring botanically themed painted glass windows.
html slideshow | PowerPoint slideshow | pdf plant profiles
For more information about The Art of Horticulture, contact:
Emily Detrick
