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Cornell University

Viburnum sp.

viburnum flower  viburnum fruit  viburnum leaves viburnum shrubs
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shrub in flower

What about it?

Viburnums are a medium-sized, deciduous shrubs with opposite buds and leaves. The edge of the leaves may be irregularly toothed or lobed. Vibumums bloom with white or pink flowers from mid- May thru late June. Flowers may be very fragrant, particularly the species V. carlessi, called Korean Spice viburnum. While in the bud, the flowers appear pink. The fruit of the viburnum is black or blue. In fall, the leaves of the viburnum turn red.

What is it used for?

With its multitude of colors, viburnum shrubs make beautiful ornamentals. They can also serve as a border, barrier, or foundation planting.

Where does it grow? How do we grow it?

The viburnum shrub grows best in full sun and moist, well-drained fertile soil. These shrubs should be spaced 6 feet apart for planting.

What are its primary problems?

Aphids are a serious problem on some species (e.g. V. opulus). Some species are plagued by an invasive pest, the viburnum leaf beetle.

See also: Viburnum leaf beetle citizen science. Site includes a viburnum key.

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© Copyright, Department of Horticulture, Cornell University.Last updated 10/20/2015 14:38:57