What about it?
Cyclamen is in the Primrose family and comes from the Mediterranean region. It grows from a large, flattened tuber into a handsome plant with marbled or variegated leaves and large flowers. The flowers grow on a 6-8 inch scape, are white or rose, and have dark purple "throats". They are not fragrant.
What is it used for?
Most often you will find cyclamen in a greenhouse or a conservatory. The accomplished green thumb may have one in her/his home but it is usually difficult to get them to flower.
Where does it grow? How do we grow it? Cyclamens like moderate amounts of sunlight and moist soil. Do not let the soil dry out. Most important for a cyclamen's survival is a cool climate. Warm temperatures invite all types of problems. What are its primary problems?
Cyclamens are susceptible to gray mold. Root knot nematodes could also be a problem.
How do we propagate it?
Cyclamens grow from a tuber but it is easiest just to purchase a mature flowering plant at a greenhouse.
© Copyright, Department of Horticulture, Cornell University.